Supporting your body whilst feeding your baby.

Post Partum chiropractic and Pilates

Tips from our Bath Chiropractor on helping your body when feeding your baby.

Musculoskeletal symptoms are common post natal and something we often see here at our Bath chiropractic clinic.

Feeding your baby, whether by breast feeding or bottle options puts a new and big demand on your body.

Here are some tips from our Bath chiropractor on the areas you can think about to support your body in this stage of your postnatal journey.

Posture and Position:

It is not uncommon for families supporting their baby during the breast/bottle feeding phase to report an increase in neck, shoulder and upper back tension or pain.

This is thought to be due to increased time holding the baby, sitting more and for longer as well as general tiredness levels being higher.

The position you hold your baby in can be challenging and can place strain onto your upper body. Think of using pillows and age appropriate slings/baby carrier to support your body during this time.

If stiffness is building up in your body think of rolling and relaxing your shoulders, looking up from your baby occasionally or switching your arms around can be great was to ease this.


We tend to be creatures of habit, when you find a feeding position that works its tempting to keep coming back to it. However this repetition can lead to strain and tension building up into your back and shoulder.

Try different positions for you or ways of holding your baby when feeding eg. consider trying lying on your side with supportive cushions.

Remember it is most important to do what feels right for you, allows your to sustain feeding comfortably and effectively.

Your baby is constantly changing and growing, as they develop and naturally get heavier think of changing these position and trying out something new.


Each woman’s postpartum journey is different, as is the right time to return to or use exercise to support your body, it is important to follow the advice of your GP and Midwife here for you as an individual.

Rest and recovery are very important, however exercise can be really lovely way to support not only your body’s recovery but your mental wellbeing too.

With the support of a qualified healthcare professional exercise can be returned to safely and effectively.

If you would like advice on returning to exercise postpartum please contact our Chiropractors in Bath.

Our Bath beginners Pilates course is also postpartum safe.

Asking for support:

During this time you can be tired, stressed and a little overwhelmed. Tiredness and stress can increase our body’s awareness of pain and change how we process it and making us more vulnerable to aches and pains.

Having a support network and talking about areas of concern with family, friends, support groups or your health care provider can make a huge difference to how you are feeling and support your body’s responses to pain.

Remember early years feeding looks very different to each mother, whatever your choice, that work for you and your baby, its important to get the support you need.

If you think you could benefit from the support of our chiropractors in Bath or our interesting in joining our postnatal safe Pilates classes or having a 1-1 please contact us for support.


What happens when visiting our Bath Chiropractor.