Osteoporosis is a condition that causes bones to become weaker and more fragile. It affects over 3 million people in the UK and increases the risk of fractures occurring; most commonly in the wrist, hip and vertebra (spinal bones) by 15% (Chan et al, 2003). It can also have an effect on a person's posture, causing a stooped or flexed posture.
Bones are constantly changing throughout our lives. There are 2 main sets of cells that aid regeneration of bone (bone turnover): osteoclasts break down old bone, and osteoblasts replace the bone.
Between our mid 20s and 30s our bone mass density (BMD) remains relatively stable, but after the age of 35, there is a natural gradual loss of bone.
This loss becomes more rapid following menopause hence why osteoporosis is more common in women over the age of 50. This is due to the falling levels of oestrogen that causes the osteoclasts to work harder than the osteoblasts.
Other factors that increase the risk of developing osteoporosis include:
early menopause or hysterectomy
long term use of high dose oral steroids or other medicines that affect bone strength or hormone levels
other medical conditions e.g. inflammatory/hormone-related/malabsorption conditions
a family history of osteoporosis
having a low body mass index (BMI)
heavy alcohol intake and smoking
If you suspect that you have osteoporosis then it is important to discuss this with your GP.
They can assess your risk level using an online programme called FRAX. This enables them to calculate the 10 year probability of you suffering a fracture of your spine, hip, shoulder or wrist.
They will also review the need to refer you for a DEXA scan which measures your BMD. There is also a condition called osteopenia which means that your BMD is not as low as what would be considered osteoporosis, but it is important for you to be aware of this diagnosis and to act to improve your BMD.
Your GP may prescribe medication to improve your levels of calcium and vitamin D. Calcium is important in enabling bone to be rebuilt and vitamin D is imperative for the body to be able to absorb calcium. Other ways to improve these levels include a healthy diet including foods rich in calcium and vitamin D (e.g. dairy products, dark leafy greens, nuts and fish), using supplements, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and enjoying some safe sun (always using sun screen as appropriate). Exercise, including Pilates, is very important when a diagnosis of osteoporosis or osteopenia is made. The benefits of exercise are maintaining bone mass, improving strength and flexibility, and improving balance which in turn reduces the risk of falls and therefore risk of fractures.
How the team at Circus Health can help you:
Pilates is a great way for people with osteoporosis to exercise. It utilises weight bearing exercises to aid gains in strength and balance. We are happy to welcome you to our class environment, but would recommend a 1:1 so you fully understand how to modify and work well with your body in that environment first, however this is not a requirement.
Strength and resistance training:
Resistance/strength exercise have been proven to help increase BMD by stimulating bone growth. Our physiotherapist Rachael can guide you through an appropriate and bespoke programme for you. She is also able to offer you guidance with any activities or hobbies you would like to continue with in a safe way.
“Rachael has been my wonderful physiotherapist who managed to get me moving again. I can honestly say that since meeting Rachael I am much more mobile and feel much more active than I have for a long time.”
Z. H (aged 82!)