Knee pain

Do you suffer from knee pain?

Knee pain is one of the most common areas we see in clinic, happening for all ages and for many different reasons from sports injuries to arthritic change. Many people feel they have to live with ‘wear & tear’ pains as a sign of getting old, we disagree. If you are experiencing knee pain that is interfering with your everyday life our Bath chiropractors and physiotherapist team can offer treatment and exercise to support you.

What does knee pain feel like?

The knee is a complex weight bearing joint in your body. Bones, ligaments, muscles, cartilage and tendons all work together to enable movements such as bending twisting at the knee, but also help to stabilising your body’s overall movement. Knee pain can be felt as;

  • Weakness or instability at the joint.

  • Popping, click or locking feelings.

  • Redness and or swelling of the joint.

  • Inability to full extend (straighten) or flex (bend) your knee.

If you are suffering from knee pain that is impacting your everyday living and activities you enjoy, we recommend seeing a chiropractor or physiotherapist who can accurately assess and diagnose your knee pain and work with you to support your knee back to better health.

How to ease knee pain?

Knee pain can be complex and require medical assessment, but here are some simple techniques you can try to support your knee pain at home.

  • Follow PEACE & LOVE principles after injury.

  • After 48hours discuss anti-inflammatories medication with a pharmacist.

  • After 48 hours heat can be used to support muscle tension and ice can be applied to support inflammation.

  • If you cannot weight-bear consider using crutches to help you off load the knee.

  • When the pain has reduced, use simple exercises to support the strengthening of your knee. Ask our physiotherapist and chiropractic practitioners to put together an exercise program for you to do at home.